Love knows no boundaries, and when it comes to proposals, people go above and beyond to create the perfect moment. Such was the case for Charlie, who reached out to me with his elaborate plans to propose to Megan during their next trip to the Central Coast. Little did Megan know that this adventure would lead her to a picturesque sand dune at Montana De Oro, creating a memory they would cherish forever.

As I patiently waited at the top of the sand dune, anticipation filled the air. Charlie, Megan, and their nine-month-old Bernese Mountain Dog, Dude, embarked on an adventure, determined to reach the summit. It was no easy feat, but the sheer determination and excitement were palpable.

Step by step, they made their way up, with Dude wagging his tail and enjoying every moment of the climb.

A Hint of What Is to Come During This Montana De Oro Proposal

Megan had a feeling that Charlie was planning to propose, as she had known for nearly a month. She took special care to ensure her nails were picture-perfect, with a subtle hint of anticipation lingering in her heart. As they ascended the sand dune, the thought of what awaited her at the top must have added an extra spark to her steps.

Finally, they reached the summit. Megan’s eyes widened as she took in the breathtaking view before her—a stunning coastal panorama, with the vast expanse of the ocean stretching out into the horizon. It was the perfect backdrop for what Charlie had in mind. With his heart racing, he dropped down on one knee and asked Megan the question that would change their lives forever.

Megan’s reaction was priceless—her face lit up with a mix of surprise, joy, and overwhelming love. The fog that blanketed the morning seemed to mirror the emotions swirling around them. With laughter and tears of happiness, they celebrated their new engagement on that misty morning in Los Osos. It was a moment filled with pure bliss, shared between two people who were ready to embark on a lifelong journey together.

Savoring the Moment: Love, Engagement, and a Bernese Mountain Dog

After the emotions settled, they took some time to soak in the surroundings. The sound of crashing waves, the salty breeze, and the serenity of the beachfront provided the perfect setting for reflection. To mark this special occasion, Charlie and Megan enjoyed a lovely picnic, savoring each bite and cherishing the love that brought them to this exact spot.

Charlie’s thoughtful planning and Megan’s anticipation culminated in a beautiful proposal atop a sand dune at Montana De Oro. Love, adventure, and the presence of their faithful furry friend, Dude, made this moment even more memorable. As they embarked on this new chapter of their lives, they would forever cherish the magic of that foggy morning in Los Osos—a moment of pure joy and a promise of a lifetime together.

Nikkels Photography, as SLO-based wedding photographer, shares inspiration for a Montana De Oro Surprise Proposal.
Nikkels Photography, as SLO-based wedding photographer, shares inspiration for a Montana De Oro Surprise Proposal.
Nikkels Photography, as SLO-based wedding photographer, shares inspiration for a Montana De Oro Surprise Proposal.
Nikkels Photography, as SLO-based wedding photographer, shares inspiration for a Montana De Oro Surprise Proposal.
Nikkels Photography, as SLO-based wedding photographer, shares inspiration for a Montana De Oro Surprise Proposal.
Nikkels Photography, as SLO-based wedding photographer, shares inspiration for a Montana De Oro Surprise Proposal.
Nikkels Photography, as SLO-based wedding photographer, shares inspiration for a Montana De Oro Surprise Proposal.
Nikkels Photography, as SLO-based wedding photographer, shares inspiration for a Montana De Oro Surprise Proposal.


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