Nikkels Photography, a wedding photographer on California’s Central Coast, talks about what lessons she has learned from a decade of marriage.

Nikkles Photography, a wedding photographer on California's Central Coast, talks about what lessons she has learned from a decade of marriage.

Marriage is a journey filled with love, growth, and challenges. As I reflect upon the last decade of being married to Andrew, it’s the perfect time to celebrate the milestones, reminisce about the ups and downs, and distill the valuable lessons learned along the way.

Here is what the past decade has taught me about having a happy and successful marriage. In short, it takes a lot of work and constantly being humble and honest with yourself and your partner.

10 Things Ten Years of Marriage Has Taught Me

ONE | Communication is Key

One of the most important lessons learned over the years is the significance of effective communication. Open and honest dialogue lays the foundation for understanding, empathy, and problem-solving. By cultivating an environment where both partners can express themselves freely, you create a strong bond built on trust and emotional connection.

TWO | Patience is a Virtue

Marriage teaches us the power of patience. In the face of disagreements or challenges, taking a step back, breathing, and approaching the situation calmly and understanding is essential. Learning to be patient with your partner’s flaws and shortcomings fosters a harmonious and nurturing relationship.

THREE | Compromise and Collaboration

Successful marriages thrive on compromise and collaboration. It’s crucial to find a middle ground where both partners’ needs and desires are taken into account. This practice encourages mutual respect, and by working together, you can find creative solutions that benefit both individuals and the relationship as a whole.

FOUR | Embrace Individuality

Marriage does not mean losing your individuality; instead, it’s an opportunity for personal growth and self-discovery alongside your spouse. Embrace and celebrate each other’s unique qualities, interests, and aspirations. Supporting and encouraging one another’s personal development strengthens the bond you share.

FIVE | Quality Time Matters

In a busy world, carving out quality time for your relationship is vital. Whether it’s a weekly date night or a weekend getaway, investing time and energy into nurturing your connection rekindles the flame of romance and reinforces the love you have for one another.

SIX | Celebrate the Small Things

Appreciating the little moments of joy in your marriage is essential. Celebrate milestones, achievements, and even mundane daily victories together. Expressing gratitude for each other and acknowledging the small gestures of love can cultivate an atmosphere of happiness and contentment.

SEVEN | Forgiveness and Letting Go

No marriage is perfect, and forgiveness is an integral part of the journey. Holding onto grudges or past mistakes only hampers growth and hinders the relationship. Learning to forgive, let go, and move forward allows both partners to heal, learn, and evolve together.

EIGHT | Laughter is the Best Medicine

Laughter truly is a potent remedy for the challenges that life and marriage throw our way. A shared sense of humor helps you navigate tough times and brings light to your relationship. Find joy in each other’s company, laugh together, and create cherished memories that will sustain you during difficult moments.

NINE | Emotional Support

Being each other’s pillar of strength during times of joy, sorrow, or uncertainty is an invaluable aspect of marriage. Providing emotional support and being present for your partner cultivates a safe space where vulnerability can flourish. Remember, you are a team, and together you can overcome anything.

TEN | Never Stop Growing Together

Marriage is a journey of constant growth and evolution. Keep discovering new experiences, setting shared goals, and challenging each other to be the best versions of yourselves. By nurturing your bond and investing in your relationship, you create a love that continues to deepen and flourish as the years go by.

Nikkles Photography, a wedding photographer on California's Central Coast, talks about what lessons she has learned from a decade of marriage.
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Nikkles Photography, a wedding photographer on California's Central Coast, talks about what lessons she has learned from a decade of marriage.
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Nikkles Photography, a wedding photographer on California's Central Coast, talks about what lessons she has learned from a decade of marriage.
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Nikkles Photography, a wedding photographer on California's Central Coast, talks about what lessons she has learned from a decade of marriage.
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Nikkles Photography, a wedding photographer on California's Central Coast, talks about what lessons she has learned from a decade of marriage.
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Nikkles Photography, a wedding photographer on California's Central Coast, talks about what lessons she has learned from a decade of marriage.
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Nikkles Photography, a wedding photographer on California's Central Coast, talks about what lessons she has learned from a decade of marriage.


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