Nikkels Photography’s Ultimate Wedding Planning Guide for AFTER You Get Engaged

Congratulations on your engagement! You’re now starting on an exciting journey towards the most special day of your life – your wedding day. While the thought of planning a wedding can be both exhilarating and overwhelming, we’ve got you covered.

Here’s a simple step-by-step guide on what to do after you get engaged to ensure your wedding planning process is as smooth as possible.


ONE | Create a Wedding Email in Gmail

Before you dive headfirst into the world of wedding planning, it’s important to stay organized. One effective way to do this is by creating a dedicated wedding email address. Gmail is a great choice for this purpose. By keeping all your wedding-related correspondence in one place, you’ll avoid emails slipping through the cracks.

Pro tip: Schedule specific times during the week to check your wedding email. This will prevent it from becoming a constant source of distraction and help you stay on top of vendor communications.

TWO | Create a Wedding Planning Date Night with Your Fiancé

Wedding planning should be a joint effort, as it’s a celebration of your love and commitment. Instead of letting it become a source of stress, turn it into a bonding experience. Pick an evening that works for both you and your fiancé and make it a weekly date night to work on wedding planning together.

This approach not only reduces the sense of being overwhelmed but also ensures that you both have the same expectations regarding when you’ll discuss all things wedding. Plus, it’s a fantastic way to strengthen your relationship as you embark on this exciting journey together.

THREE | Get a Great Travel Credit Card

Now, let’s talk finances. Even if your parents are helping with the wedding costs, consider using a travel credit card for your expenses. By putting significant wedding costs on your credit card, you’ll accumulate valuable points that can be used to offset honeymoon expenses.

The key here is to have your parents reimburse you for their contributions rather than directly covering the costs. This way, you’ll maximize your credit card rewards and potentially have your dream honeymoon partially or even fully paid for.

FOUR | Create a Google Drive

Organization is the name of the game in wedding planning, and Google Drive can be your best friend. Create a dedicated Google Drive folder for your wedding and divide it into sections for different aspects of your big day. Think venues, catering, bridesmaids, groomsmen, wedding rehearsal, brunch, bachelor/bachelorette party, and more.

By centralizing all your wedding-related documents, to-do lists, and inspiration in one place, you’ll streamline the planning process and make collaboration with your vendors and wedding party much more straightforward.

FIVE | Create a Wedding Mood Board/Brand Kit

Finally, to ensure that everyone involved in your wedding is on the same page, create a wedding mood board or brand kit. This is essentially a visual representation of your wedding’s theme and vibes. Include color palettes, images, and inspiration that capture the essence of your vision.

Sharing this mood board with your vendors will help them understand your style and preferences, making it easier for them to bring your dream wedding to life.

With these steps in mind, you’re well on your way to successful wedding planning. Remember that this journey is meant to be enjoyable, so don’t forget to savor the moments and cherish the memories along the way. Happy planning and best wishes for your upcoming wedding day!



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